Chronic: Community For All Living With Pain
Mission: To create a time and space for Spoonies to feel seen, believed, loved and supported. Host Crystal Chavez lives with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis.
12 episodes
"Migraine Brains Love Consistency"
Last time on ‘Chronic’ –we heard from Karen McGuire who lives with vestibular migraine. Vestibular migraine may include headaches with symptoms such as vertigo, nausea and vomiting. Karen has soo many questions about why s...
Season 2
Episode 3

Vestibular Migraine: So Much More Than A Headache
On this episode of ‘Chronic’ – Karen McGuire talks about life with vestibular migraine. Vestibular migraine may include headaches with symptoms such as vertigo, nausea and vomiting. Like many of us, she deals with more than one pain point–sh...
Season 2
Episode 2

How A Super Spice & Ayurveda Can Change Your Life
On this episode of Chronic, we learn about Ayurveda: a system of health and medicine from India that's more than five thousand years old.Dr. Shivani Gupta is an Ayurvedic Practition...
Season 2
Episode 1

What Works For Hot Flashes?
This triple-digit summer heat has only made it that much harder for those of us who suffer from hot flashes!A hot flash
Episode 9

Insomnia, Sleep Apnea. When Is It Time to Talk to A Doctor?
On this episode of 'Chronic', we talk about all things sleep with sleep expert Vincent Mysliwiec.Mysliwiec is a professor of research and the director of sleep medicine at the STRONG STAR research unit at ...
Episode 8

Inhale--Hold It--Exhale
David Richie started studying breathwork as a way to control anxiety-- to control the racing mind. Richie is a functional breathwork instructor in San Antonio. "Just really trying to harness what God gave us; I figured out that ...
Episode 7

It All Started With An Earache...
Jondell Lafont-Garcia shares her journey with chronic pain. It all started with what seemed like a simple earache in March of 2020. After countless doctor visits, procedures and treatments– she learned she has pain of the trigeminal nerve. T...
Episode 6

Long COVID Top Of Mind For People W/Chronic Illnesses
It feels like the rest of the world is moving on-- but for people with chronic illnesses, the world is still very much on pause. It’s disheartening; it feels like society isn't thinking about us when things like mask guidelines are loosened....
Episode 5

Chronic Pain Dad: #YouAreNotAlone
Chris Freeman is in agony 24/7 but says he will never give up spreading the word about chronic illnesses. His Twitter bio says 'stay strong– you matter'. Freeman has more than twenty-two thousand followers on the bird platform. ...
Episode 4

Behavioral Interventions For Your Chronic Pain Tool Kit
Experts on chronic pain say treatments don't have to include expensive surgeries or procedures."Where you process pain in your brain, where you process physical pain is actually the same place that your brain processes emotional pain, s...
Season 1
Episode 3